Many a times, you work; work and only work and then you are left with no time to ask questions to yourself. As I stop and think about my journey in SPIC MACAY so far, a lot of thoughts, experiences and questions gather in my mind
My introduction to SPIC MACAY was through a Dhrupad concert by Ustad Sayeeduddin Dagar, Organized in my school when I was in class 8. Three years later, I got to attend the National Convention in IIM Kolkata along with my other SPIC MACAY friends and that’s all how it got started for me. After that, till many years I was merely attached to this movement. It was only a lot of attachment and no work. I used to be a regular at SPIC MACAY picnics, get-togethers, birthday parties, conventions, etc.but I used to disappear once planning for virasats and Fests started. As I have been a student of music since my school days, I always used to be there for most of the concerts and to handle a few on- venue arrangement and that was it. Slowly, I started feeling that I should contribute to this movement in a meaningful way. I could see my friends, people around me , working and taking a lot of efforts for the movement and I decided that I would also give in my bit. This feeling came to me as a result of combination of many things to which I got exposed to during that time. The numerous and varied concerts that I got to attend through SPIC MACAY, the inspiring interactions that I had with some eminent people, the National Conventions that I could attend, were some of the very powerful things that I experienced for the first time and that drew me closer to the movement. Gradually SPIC MACAY started growing on me and I started understanding the essence of the movement, the philosophy that lay beneath it and slowly I realized that it is actually a way of life. Initially, as I felt, it was only an organization organizing programmes for students. Later my thoughts got transformed and I realized that it is in fact, much more than that. My senses felt the depth and vastness of the movement.
I feel, my association with the movement has helped me in more than one way. Musically, it has helped me to develop a sharp ear and also to become a ‘Rasik’ from a layman in the audience of classical music. Music can be understood only by those who have a musical ear and I feel that SPIC MACAY has helped me immensely to develop it. And while working with it, I learnt discipline, spirit of volunteerism, coordination and handling of different situations. I also learnt management and detailing. It has enhanced my efficiency and confidence to a great extent. I feel SPIC MACAY is the best place to learn the management of self and events.
Apart from all learning, I always keep thinking, where else would one get to experience life in its truest form? It gives me immense pleasure to see the people who are always ready to provide support to the movement. Not only because of the help they extend but also because it shows that people do exist who are sensitive enough for such an intangible cause. This in turn, reaffirms our faith in the movement.
While working for the movement and also being into the field of music as a student and performer, I realize the great strength and vastness of our music and cultural heritage. I keep wondering, how much more am I still unaware of? Our Gurus say that one must totally submit to a form of the art if he intends to master it. But the beauty lies in the realization that the more one submits to gain experience and mastery, the more he/ she realizes that much more is still left that is untouched and unexplored.
This movement has been nourishing me culturally for many – many years. I hope it touches and moves many young souls and makes a difference to them as it has done to me and so many of us.
I feel blessed to a part of SPIC MACAY.
- Kasturi Paigude
“I met Kasturi when she was in school and she was very sweet and sincere girl, but she lacked confidence and initiative. She could not take decisions for herself then. But while working for SPIC MACAY as a volunteer first, and later as a co-ordinator, she has changed completely. She has evolved into a very confident leader, a mature individual with a lot of thought process and values. Today, she is a perfect example of a sensitive artiste and a thorough professional.”
– Shirish Kaulgud, friend and founder member of SPIC MACAY’s Pune Chapter.
Seeing her passion for Music as evident in her riyaaz, the elders of our family agreed to support her decision, since it was a gift from God, even though we first wanted her to be a doctor, and start a hospital in our gaav. Her riyaaz helped her do very well academically too when she did her B.A. in English Literature. She was also passionately involved with SPIC MACAY. I know so many times when her friends would ask her to come for movies and outings and she would decline, as she would be passionately working for SPIC MCAY. Seeing her commitment, our whole family got involved. During SPIC MACAY concerts, we got the privilege of meeting many great artists and personally interacting with them. They all used to love meeting Kasturi and gave her a lot of respect. Even today, whenever Hariji lands in Pune he calls Kasturi and talks to her. My younger daughter, Gargi, a final year student at DES Law College also devotes a lot of time working for SPIC MACAY, despite a very hectic schedule with her law course, even though she does not want to pursue music as career. I am very proud of both my daughters, and the fact that they are able to think beyond themselves, and work for a larger purpose.”
– Kasturi’s Mother on Kasturi and Volunteering
“SPIC MACAY feels like an informal MBA course!
From talking with corporate people for funds to simple clerical work, from laying the carpets and setting the bouquet to the D-day and then finally wrapping up the event, every single detail is looked into. Everything is taken care of and that has taught me a lot.”
– Gargi on Volunteering